DraconicArcania Hideout

Rating: 5.0 Stars

Okay, so, let's be honest here. This toy is most definitely NOT for anyone kid under ten. I mean, look at the damn price tag! It's a collector's item! And while I do say under ten, I also say over ten is perfectly fine as well! This toy comes with it all! I own one myself and love it to death, as I lost my old 1995 Vintage Woody. >.< Damn...that thing was worth a lot of money. Anyway, it's produced by Thinkway Toys, China and distributed by Disney.


Rating: 5.0 Stars

I was, to be honest, a bit skeptical when it came to making another Toy Story. However, it seems that Disney|PIXAR has once again made a great movie! This film earns a solid 5.0 Stars right from the beginning! Why? Well...first of all...it's freaking Toy Story, who doesn't love it? I mean, most 90's kids (which would include me) grew up with Toy Story, and this is the final installment of not only the film classic which made PIXAR famous, but also the last in a series sparked by the world's FIRST EVER Computer Animated, full length film! Nonetheless, this is babble. 

The film is filled with amazing twists and turns, and integrates emotional with purely hilarious. For example, I'll just say that Mr. Pickle-Potato Head was quite entertaining. I love the film overall, and it is the perfect (planned) ending to the perfect series.

Now...I'll try and reveal as few spoilers as possible while doing the rest of the review...